« 2018. #4 (142)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018,  № 4 (142), 907–912

UDK 94 “18”:75

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.04.907

Received 29.05.2018


Filas Victor Nikolaevich – Candidate of Sciences in History, Associate Professor,

Khortytska National Academy, Department of Design,

 Khortytsia Island, Scientific town Street, 59, 69017, Zaporizhia, Ukraine,

Contacts: (098) 4231818; e–mail: filasvn@gmail.com

Abstrakt. The article analyzes the I.K. Aivazovskyi’s paintings on the chumak topic and draws parallels with folk data and information of travel records of G.P. Danilevskyi and A.S. Afanasievа–Chuzhbynskyi. It is noted that the deviation from realism in the image is not an artist’s mistake, but the need for which the artist tries to transmit the maximum information about the chumaks traveler’s life. Analysis of the I.K. Aivazovskyi’s works allowed to determine the role of ta¬vern and woman in the chumaks traveler’s everyday life.

Keywords: visual source, woman, traveler’s life, I. Aivazovskyi, tavern, chumak.


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