« 2018. #5 (143)

The Ethnology Notebooks, 2018, № 5 (143),  1161—1167

UDК 7.74.745.51

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.05.1161

Received  03.10.2018


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0815-6096

Molyn’ Valentyna, Candidate of Sciences in Art Studies,

Associate Professor, manager of

department of fine art and academic disciplines member

of the National union of artists of Ukraine.

Kosiv’s institute of the applied and decorative art

Lviv national academy of arts.

Street of Mitskevych, 2, 78600, Ivano-Frankivsk area, Kosiv, Ukraine

Contacts: +380682265428,  valentynamolyn@gmail.com

Abstrakt. Article is devoted to works of the famous master of art wood in Hutsulzhyna Shkriblyaka Yuri (1822—1884) and his sons — Vasil, Nicholas and Fedora. Grate active carvers dynasty Shkriblyaka in exhibitions that took place in Galychyna, particularly in Vienna (1873), Lviv (1894, 1905), Stanislav (1879), Kolomya (1880, 1912), Ternopil (1887).

Keywords: Yuri Shkribliak, dynasty, carving, exhibitions, folk art, Hutsulzhyna, Galychyna.


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