« 2020. № 2 (152)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 2 (152), 420—434

UDK 001.3-026.451(=161.2:438.31)”19/20″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.02.420


KRYVENKO Anastasiia

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9353-2919

Candidate of Sciences in History, Researcher

of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy

of Sciences of Ukraine,

in the department of Modern Ethnology,

Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: n.d.kryvenko@gmail.com

Abstract. The research of the Polish-Ukrainian cooperation in the Ukrainian studies centers in Crakow is a scientifically actual and socially necessary task. There is a lack of special articles about the state of Ukrainian studies in Poland, in particular in Cracow. There is also lack of knowledge about scientific events on both sides and socio-political challenges related to different traditions of interpretation of historical events by the scientists in both of the states, their politicization and the necessity to continue the international scientific dialogue in the process of the integration of Ukrainian science in the international contemporary science. The goal of the article is to trace the trends in the development of research and education in the field of Ukrainian studies in Cracow, — to analize their influence on the process of strengthening of the Polish-Ukrainian partnership. The object of the article is activity of the Cracow Ukrainian Studies Center: scientific institutions, it’s main representatives and initiators of the international Polish-Ukrainian cooperation. The subject of the researcj are the main directions, results, the difficulties and prospects of the international cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian researchers in Cracow. The sources of the article are interviews with the representatives of Polish scientific institutions, which are investigating various aspects of Ukrainian studies, and also maintain scientific contacts with Ukrainian specialists. The article is based on the fundamental methodological approaches of the scientific research and includes the use of various methods: interviewing according to the prepared questionnaire, comparative-historical, structurally-functional, typological analysis, etc.

Scientific Polish-Ukrainian cooperation was launched in Cracow in the Jagiellonian University in the second half of the 20th century, and since 1990s it has taken place at the greatest activation in establishing international contacts. The leading Ukrainian centers in Crakow Today are structural units of the Jagiellonian University (Institute of History, Institute of Archeology, Institute of Art History, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Ukrainian Studies, Department of Ukrainik), Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Academy of Learning (the East Slavic Commission) and museums. Ukrainian studies in Cracow are represented by the row of scientists: Volodymyr Mokryy, Yaroslav Moklak, Jan Yacek Bruski, Zbigniew Libera, Andrew Betley, Agneshka Gronek, Vitaliy Nagirnyy and others. In their researches scientists are analyzing the historical, ethnological, art studies, linguistics and literary processes that are associated with Ukraine, which popularize Ukrainian studies in the international scientific community, as well as among students and postgraduate students. Despite a number of difficulties on the way of strengthening partnership between Ukraine and Poland, employee of scientific-oriented and educational centers in Cracow, observe the development of the new scientific contacts. That means the growth of the activity of Ukrainian researchers in Сraсow, student’s concern about Ukrainian studies, appearance of respectable collective monographs, implementation of joint projects and planning of new ones.

Keywords: Ukrainian studies, Cracow, scientific partnership, representatives, directions, perspectives.

Received 14.01.2020


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