« 2021. # 4 (160)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 4 (160), 977—987


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.04.977



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3177-1919
  • Researcher ID: E-22.69-2016
  • c. of philol. s., Associate
  • Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature
  • Y. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
  • 2, Kotsiybinskogo Avenue, 58012, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: kostyk_vv@ukr.net

Abstract. In the second half of the XIXth century in Bukovyna was the intensification of the folklore activity of local amateur collectors and experienced ethnographers. The aforementioned were I. Velehorskyi, M. Andriychuk, V. Boychuk, I. Danylovych, I. Semaka, and the latter were Yu. Fedkovych, S. Vorobkevych, H. Kupchanko, L. Symyhynovych and Ye. Yaroshynska.

The purpose of the article is to remove the ideologically biased approaches supported by the Moscovite trend in Bukovyna to assessing the activity of ethnographers; to determine their true role and contribution to the development of Ukrainian folklore of the region, promoting the education of its locals.

The object of the study is a folklore «Collection of songs of the Bukovynian people», works by H. Kupchenko and O. Lonachevskyi, memoirs of contemporaries, reviews of historians and folklorists.

The subject of the study is to highlight the significance of the publication and to present the highlights of the ethnographic activities of the collector and compiler, as well as the cooperation of Muscovite intellectuals with gifted contemporaries, which contributed to the national and cultural revival of the region.

Territorially and chronologically the article covers the administrative territory of Bukovyna, which was then united (North and South), for the period from the last third of the XIXth century to the beginning of the XXth century. The publication of the first large-scale Ukrainian folklore «Collection of Songs of the Bukovynian People» (1875) had a great scientific resonance, as it was actively reviewed by progressive figures — ethnographers of Galicia (I. Franko, V. Hnatiuk, M. Pavlyk) and Dnieper region (M. Drahomanov, A. Crymskyi).

To reveal the topic we applied historical and cultural, structural and typological, geographical and other methods usedinfolklore studies.

The material of the study is folklore materials collected by H. Kupchanko, works and little-known letters of the ethnographer addressed to I. and Ye. Yaroshynski, scholarly literature (including encyclopedic), as well as reviews and a wide range of activities of H. Kupchanko and O. Lonachevskyi.

The close cooperation with the northern neighbors provided a wide range of cultural and political guidelines, from admiration, sympathy, and hopes for concrete assistance in the fight against Poles and Hungarians to «Ukrainian self-denial» and recognition of unity with the Russian world.

Keywords: collection, memory, populism, Kupchanko, Lonachevsky, Drahomanov, Olena Pchilka, Bukovynian-Russian songs, magazine.

Received 3.08.2021


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