The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 5 (149), 1274—1285
UDK 77.04:392(477.74)
DMITRYUK Viktoriia
Graduate of the Department of Archeology and Ethnology
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University
custodian of funds of the 2nd qual. categories of the Odesa department
National Research and Restoration Center of Ukraine
Voznesensky lane, 7, 65 007, Odessa, Ukraine
Abstract. With the beginning of the twentieth century, photographing became an important part of the procedure for conducting many ritual actions, and from the second half of the twentieth century it was necessary. During this time, a certain photographic ritual was formed, amateur practices became common, which led to the emergence of a new type of sources, conventionally called photo folklore. Photos reflecting the passage or the fact of the ritual itself have received the status of official public documentary, visual evidence and can be considered unique sources for studying the historical process as a whole and its various aspects. At the present stage, questions about the features of their creation are being updated, to identify study and preserve such materials. In the proposed intelligence, the author sets himself the goal of finding out the features of the photographic practices of the transition rites in the comparative perspectives of various ethnic, territorial, social and other groups of the Odesa region. The emphasis was placed on trends in the transition of private practices to public ones, which led to the obligatory photofixation of certain transitional rites in the ХХІ century. The object of the study is photographs of family, photo albums of residents of the Odesa region, and the subject is the developed and unmanifest participants and customers of photographic practices related to the rites of passage. The methodological basis of the study was the general scientific principles of historicism, systemicity, scientific objectivity, which made it possible to carry out the necessary scientific analysis of the topic as a whole, as well as its individual aspects. The source study base was formed during their own research trips, as well as as part of complex historical and ethnographic expeditions of the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University during 2012–2019, that fixation was carried out using photographing and oral interviewing of respondents. Therefore, the basis of the work is the author’s field materials and materials of the Archive of the laboratory of the Department of Archeology and Ethnology of the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University.
Keywords: photo folklore, Odesa region, rites of passage, family photography, practice photography.
Received 30.10.2019
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