« 2017. #1 (133)

The Ethnology notebooks. 2017, 1, 160‒170

UDK 745.56/392.8(477)

UDK 392.51(477.86)+745.56(477.86)

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5931-3816

Received 16.01.2017


Herus Liudmyla, Candidate of Sciences in Art Studies, Senior Researcher Folk Art Department of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: (067)2703221; e-mail: ludmilagerus@gmail.com

Abstract. The peculiarities of plastic design of pokuttian`s «kolach» are highlighted in the article; it`s symbolic and functions in the wedding ritual are ascertained; the transformation of form and content of this ritual bread during XIX — beginning of XXI century due to changes of the world-view and social-economy conditions of existence are traced.

Keywords: ritual bread, «kolach», form, function, symbolic.


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