
« 2017. #2 (134)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 2 (134), 355—367

UDK 394.262.5 (477.86)



Serebriakova Olena Heorhiivna, candidate of sciences in history, junior research fellow

of the department of the modern ethnology

of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: Tel. (067)7117846; e-mail:


Abstract. The New Year`s ritual «Malanka» at the territory of Pokuttia is considered on the basis of published sources and personal field materials. Attention is paid to its structural elements, archaic beliefs, magic (matrimonial, householding, protective), the grade of preservation and local peculiarities of investigated phenomenon are demonstrated.

Keywords: «Malanka», maskers, songs, uproars, felicitations, reward, Pokuttia.

Received 23.02.2017


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