« 2018. #1 (139)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 1 (139), 150–155

UDK 811.161.2’373.6’373.2-112’0

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.01.150

Received 3.01.2018


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0512-6388

Demchuk Maria, candidate of philological sciences,

Senior Researcher,

in the Department of Historical Ethnology

of the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Svobody Avenue 15,  79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: e-mail: ina@mail.lviv.ua

Abstract. The article is dedicated to etymology investigation of the most ancient, mainly of preslavic origin, of anthroponomical names of Ukrainian settlements (oikonims). Due to the lack of authentic scriptural testimonies about the origin of the whole range of oiconimic names, its etymology analysis is made on the basis of linguistic data followed by out of gene­ral onomastics principles of theirs analysis.

 Keywords: oikonim, anthroponym, etymology, folk etymology, scriptural testimony, names-composites, names out of composites origin, anthroponimicone.


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