« 2018. #2 (140)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 2 (140), 425—435.

UDK 730:2-526.64(477.83/.86)”19/20”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.02.425

Received 25.01.2018


Sydor Vitalii,

PhD candidate of Design and Theory of Art Department

of Teaching and Research Institute of Art,

SHEI «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University».

57 Taras Shevchenko str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine

Abstrakt. The visual context of the sacred landscape sculpture of the Galician region during the period 1990 to 2015 is revealed. The localization of the objects being studied, the features of their functioning are determined, compositional, figurative and stylistic editions of the feed of the reproduced personalities are analyzed, as a whole, the general typological picture of the phenomenon under study is constructed. In the same channel the iconographic characterization of the sculptures of the Savior is presented. The illumination of the worker is accompanied by the definition of the established and relatively new aspects of the direct creation of such sculptures.

Keywords: sacred landscape sculpture, Galych lands, image, typology, iconography, novations.


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