« 2018. #4 (142)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018,  № 4 (142), 875–885

UDK 004:027.7 (477)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.04.875

Received 13.05.2018


Shmahalo Rostyslav Tarasovych – Doctor of study of art, professor, dean of faculty of history and theory of art of the Lviv national academy of arts, LNAM

street Kubijovycha, 38, Lviv, Lviv area, 79000

Contacts: tel. (032) 276–14–75; e–mail: nds@lnam.edu.ua

Abstrakt. The tendencies and possibilities of using digital resources in contemporary culture and artistic and educational sphere are analyzed. On the basis of the collected source base the method of realization of the project of educational–digital resource of artistic culture and art in the historical retrospective is formed. Theoretical and practical experience of project participants enables to create a modern multilevel database of scientific data and operate them.

Keywords: digital resource, artistic education, culture, art studies, methodological foundations.


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