« 2019. #2 (146)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 2 (146), 472—480

UDK 930.2:[”19″(093.2)
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.02.472



ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8297-2414

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Department of Social AnthropologyEthnology Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: hodovanska@gmail.com

Abstract. The study of Soviet everyday life is one of the most important directions of contemporary Ukrainian humanities. There is a significant difference in reasoning and personal perception of the disadvantages and advantages of Soviet power. The subject and depth of criticism of this power clearly correlates with the place of residence and ethnicity. Territorial localization of the research testifies the difference in the reasoning and personal perception of the disadvantages and advantages of Soviet power.

At the same time the historical-anthropological approach makes it possible to attract the widest research base. In the article, the everyday life is researched in two dimensions — material and spiritual (mental).

The purpose of the proposed article is to familiarize with official documents of the Soviet authorities in the state regional archives of Ukraine. The main task is to analyze office documents as one of the sources of constructing the everyday life of teachers in Soviet times. For its implementation, step-by-step actions were performed — the information potential of the documents was clarified and the essence of everyday life in the normative documentation was established. It was investigated the official Soviet language «documentary story» about everyday life and discovered the local manifestations of everyday life of teachers. The object of the research is the official documents, and the subject — their content. The basis of the work is the archived documents studied by the author. In the article, the author first published the cited documents.

«Documentary story» is one of the sources of constructing everyday life of teachers. First of all, documents speak the language of numerals, have signs of anti-communicative and militaristic practices, have their own content and are entirely a product of Soviet time. On the basis of archival documents, we assert that the material conditions of teachers occupy a non-dominant place in the structure of the Soviet system of education.

Keywords: everyday life, Soviet time, teachers, normative documents, archives.

Received 16.02.2019


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