The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 4 (148), 811—817
УДК 801.8:398.81(=161.2)]-057.
4(477)”19/20″ Г.Дем’ян
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Universytetska Street 1, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.
Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. In the proposed investigation author sets the goal to investigate heritage of famous Ukrainian folklorist, historian, active public figure, and ethnographer Gregory Demian, scientific achievements of this topic research. The object of the research is his scientific articles and monographs «Ukrainian rebel songs of 1940—2000 years», «Stepan Bandera and his family in folk songs, retellings and memoirs» and others, the subject of the research — conceptual positions of the scientific research.
Demian was one of the first in Ukraine who has discussed openly the scientific problems of the history of national liberation struggles of the twentieth century, studying it comprehensively alongside with the oral history of the people. The relevant materials were actively published by the scientist in various periodicals («Folk Art and Ethnography», «Liberation Road», «Will and the Motherland», «Statehood», «Way of Victory» and others).
He realized folklore studios of folk songs systematically and comprehensively, starting from the recording of texts and melodies, publications of collected songs and completing scientific and theoretical comprehension. As a professional researcher, he studied in detail all that was done before him — from the early publications of the texts of rebel songs that appeared on the pages of underground publications of the 1940—1950s. As a folklorist, G. Demian strictly adhered to the developed scientific principles regarding recordings and publications of popular poetic texts, developed criteria for the delimitation of the terminology of insurgent songs, substantiated the use of other variants of their names, initiated a genre classification, highlighted the main thematic cycles and motives. The rebel songs are an important area of scientific studies by G. Demian, he remains the most authoritative researcher of them.
Keywords: folk songs, folklore, researcher, publications, genre classification, terminology.
Received 2.06.2019
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