« 2019. № 5 (149)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 5 (149), 1191—1199

UDK 398.81(477.83-2):[94:329.17(477)”19″]

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.05.1191



Candidate of Philology

Junior research folklore department

of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy

of Sciences of Ukraine,

15, Svobody ave., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

e-mail: galynamagas@gmail.com

Abstract. The national liberation struggle of the mid XX century left a significant mark in oral folk art. In particular, a large number of songs have appeared that cover the events of that time. The Stryshchina population took an active part in the rebel movement, so you can still record the corresponding folklore here. These are mainly examples of the innovation layer that tell about the clashes of the Ukrainian underground rebels in the Striysky district, as well as poetic news about the members of the OUN, such as Vasil Bilas, Dmitro Danylyshin, Volodymyr Tymchiy-Lopatynsky, who are in the active repertoire carriers of the local folk tradition.

The article considers the peculiarity of the reproduction of reality in chronicles of the OUN and UPA period, recorded in the Striysky district. Investigated the way of displaying and combining two planes in such songs: historical realities and folklore framing. The poetics of stories is analyzed, the main attention is focused on prayers. Stressed that the texts are characterized by a peculiar schema, a constant set of motives, («the traitor leads the enemies to the rebels»; «rebels engage in battle, try to escape, shout out nationalistic mottoes»; «NKVD kill rebels / rebels commit suicide»), which can expanded by additional plot units. Exploring also reveals the features of the figurative-character composition of local songs. They are divided into three key categories, which are most characteristic for the layer of folk songs of this cycle. Representatives of the latter are characterized by a sharply negative imposition of meaning, while the rebels that belongs to the former are idealized. Songs-chronicles is an original form of perpetuating stamina, patriotism and heroism of participants in national liberation competitions. They describe examples of local manifestations of the struggle, evidencing the role of specific individuals. Despite the coverage of cases of local significance in such songs, they still retain the totality of poetic methods characteristic of rebel songs.

Keywords: songs-chronicles, poetics, motive, local specificity.

Received 11.10.2019


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