« 2022. # 3 (165)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 3 (165), 601—607

UDK 728.04(477:478)”19″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.03.601



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5611-4475
  • graduate student department of design
  • Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts,
  • Department of Design,
  • 36, Yevhen Konovalet Str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: Yuliia.rakoiedova@gmail.com

Abstract. Aim of the article. The article analyses role of evolution of decor of traditional dwelling dйcor on the Ukrainian-Moldovian border in the ХХ-th century.

Actuality. The row of typical signs allows to distinguish the traditional accommodation of Ukrainian-Moldavian border in a period of past century in the separate complex of folk accommodation of Ukrainians. At the same time actuality is acquired by development of such complex-analytical estimation criteria.

Research object: Historical and cultural features of the traditional Ukrainian accommodation decor.

Article of research: decor of traditional accommodation in the Ukrainian-Moldavian bordering region.

Chronologic, geographical limits of research. In the article the geographical limits of Ukrainian-Moldovian border are considered in the period of ХХ-th century.

State of theme illumination. Accommodation of many regions that have been investigated along border line have local differences that give an opportunity to educe (in a territorial context) a few variants in particular: north, south and central. In the indicated region painting of accommodation is expedient to name decorative, but not «wall-type», as not only walls but also ceiling signed with certain elements. Both on internal and on external walls there were permanent places of location of painting in a house.

Research methodology. In publications used such methods of research: comparative (at comparison of different elements of decor), typology and descriptive methods of analysis of evolution of decor of traditional accommodation, generalization, complex approach (allowed to subordinate all elements of maintenance and form of the offered article to the aim and tasks of research).

Novelty. It is shown by us, that originality of artistic decision of variants of accommodation on Ukrainian-Moldovian border was stipulated by the report of structural homogeneity of all accommodation with the wide use of the monumental painting.

Conclusions. Character of building, their location, amount, finishing quality, advantage of certain building material both for Ukraine and for Moldova was conditioned first of all by financial possibilities of certain families.

Keywords: decor, traditional dwelling, Ukrainian-Moldovian borderland, borderland, ethnos, ornament, painting, house, material culture.

Received 30.05.2022


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