« 2023. # 1 (169)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2023. № 1 (169), 84—94

UDK 638.1- 057.86 Боровський: [655.06: 638.1] (677.83-25)”193″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2023.01.084


MOVNA Ulyana

  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9763-2455
  • Doctor of Sciences of History, Leading Researcher
  • of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy
  • of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • in the Department of Historical Ethnology,
  • Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: movlana@ukr.net

Abstract. The article continues the author’s cycle of publications devoted to various aspects of the life and creative path of the famous Ukrainian beekeeper, scientist and public figure Mykhailo Borovsky (1891—1989). It examines his publishing activity in the field of beekeeping during the Lviv period of work, which lasted from 1927 to 1939 and turned out to be surprisingly fruitful. The focus of attention is only on Lviv book publishing projects from the field of beekeeping in the 1930s (overlooking beekeeping works published in post-Lviv publishing houses, books of other thematic (agricultural) orientation, as well as publications of beekeeping content on the pages of numerous magazines and calendars).

There are practically no special studies of this side of the multifaceted creative activity of M. Borovsky in Ukraine, which determines the relevance of this investigation.

The object of the research is the actual figure of M. Borovsky, and the subject is his apiary book publishing projects of the Lviv period. Twelve editions of the author, which during 1930—1939 saw the light of day in the book series «Library of the Rural Owner» of a powerful business association, were of a popular science character in content, and were aimed at the development of the author’s modern economic thought, the creation of modern beekeeping, the consolidation of the beekeeping community, and therefore the intellectual and cultural independence of Ukrainians as an ethnic community in statelessness.

The article uses the comparative method, the method of historical reconstruction, and the method of biographical studies.

Keywords: Mykhailo Borovsky, beekeeping, publishing projects, «Silskyi Gospodar» society, beehives, honey, Ukrainian.

Received 8.12.2022


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