« 2023. # 1 (169)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2023. № 1 (169), 207—217

UDK 738.”19/20″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2023.01.207


MOTYL Romana

  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6936-0328
  • Candidate of Arts (Ph. D), Associate Professor,
  • Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals,
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University,
  • 12 Bandery St., 79013, Lviv, Ukraine;
  • Senior Researcher Folk Art Department,
  • Ethnology Institute of NAS of Ukraine,
  • 15, Svobody ave., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: romana_motyl@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction. Today, when the enemy is trying to deprive us of our national identity by all means, the relevance of products made in the traditional way on a potter’s wheel is growing, because they retain a very close connection with the old past. In this article, we aim to explore the phenomenon of creativity of the famous artist Oksana Martynovych, whose artistic search is considered through the prism of Ukrainian traditional art.

The object of research is the creative heritage of Oksana Martynovych.

The subject of the study is typological features, stylistics and artistic features of works of pottery, Easter eggs, graphics, painting on glass.

The chronological framework of the study covers the period from the early 1990s to the present day.

The methodology of the work consists in the application of a comprehensive methodology formed from a combination of a number of scientific methods: comparative-historical, structural-typological, analytical-descriptive, figurative-stylistic analysis.

Results. Oksana Martynovych is an original and bright artistic personality. Her creative work is significant and is a noticeable phenomenon in modern Ukrainian culture. The artist’s creativity is multifaceted: from applied ceramics and decorative plastics to graphics, Easter eggs and glass painting. O. Martynovych is a member of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine (1996), a repeated winner of the «Lviv Glory» Prize named after A. Vakhnyanyn (2001; 2016), a participant of all-Ukrainian and international symposiums and exhibitions of pottery, a teacher, a public activist and a volun teer.

With the help of two basic simple volumes — a ball and a cylinder — the master creates many different variants.

Conclusion. In the process of research it was found out that in the multifaceted creativity of Oksana Martynovych, focused on folk traditions, the main role is played by the author’s idea and the way of presenting the material. A wonderful artist, she created truly exquisite things, mastered a special vision of the most important artistic elements: shapes, proportions, plasticity, color. The works of Oksana Martynovych are light, easy and natural. Many of her unique works are decorations of museums in Ukraine and abroad.

Keywords: traditional art, artist, creativity, pottery, form, decor, icon painting, Easter eggs.

Received 16.12.2022


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  • Krakovets’ka, Zenoviia (Ed.). Smerechyns’ka-Martynovych Oksana. Ceramics. Graphics. Painting: catalogue (P. 1). L’viv: National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
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