« 2024. # 1 (175)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 1 (175), 211—219

UDK [821.161.2-13/-14.09:398.87]:001.891М.Возняк

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.01.211



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6706-6440
  • Graduate student, Ivan Franko National University,
  • Department of Ukrainian folkloristics
  • named after Academician Filaret Kolessa,
  • 1, University St., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: oksankakobasar@gmail.com

Abstract. The article analyzes the works of Mykhailo Vozniak, which touch upon the duma tradition, and highlights the scientist’s contribution to Ukrainian duma studies. The scholar’s views on the nature of the duma genre are clarified.

One of those who studied it and whose research has not been sufficiently highlighted in science is Academician Mykhailo Stepanovych Vozniak. The scientist first discovered the unique manuscript «Kondratskyi Collection», from which he singled out several dumas, which gave impetus to further research into the specifics of works in this genre. It is thanks to him that the oldest record of the duma about a lazy Cossack (1684) has been preserved to this day.

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the contribution of the literary historian and folklorist M. Vozniak to the study of folk dumas. The object of research is dumas, and the subject is the peculiarities of their analysis in the scientific heritage of this scientist. The task of the article is to consider Mykhailo Vozniak’s research on dumas, in particular, to clarify their definition and place in the genre palette of Ukrainian folklore, as well as his analysis of duma texts.

Since Mykhailo Vozniak’s scientific activity in the field of folklore has not been well enough highlighted, there is a need to study one of the interests of the academician — a thorough and comprehensive study of the original genre of Ukrainian oral literature — dumas. This is where the relevance of the article lies.

The focus is on the position of the scientist that dumas are exclusively a Ukrainian genre of oral literature, which he attributed to epic poetry. It is emphasized that during a detailed study of the duma about a lazy Cossack (in later versions, «lazy» was replaced with «Golota»), the academician proved that over time it varied, and the closest text to it was the recording of P. Kulish from Arkhyp Nikonenko. It is important that the scientist attempted to reconstruct the text of the folk work «Oh, the river Styr, which Hmili made against faith», which in its original version sounds like «Duma kozackaia o wojni s kozacamy nad rikoju Styru». It is emphasized that although the academician did not offer his own classification of dumas, he considered them in the context of literature (the section «Historical Song and Cossack Epic» in the «History of Ukrainian Literature»). Mykhailo Vozniak was also concerned about the existence of the genre, claiming that it was unfortunately actively dying out due to the political circumstances of the time.

The methodological basis of the article consists of bibliographic and descriptive methods.

Keywords: Mykhailo Vozniak, «Kondratskyi Collection», «History of Ukrainian Literature», duma, lazy Cossack, Cossack epic.

Received 15.12.2023


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