2024 #3 Movna U.

« 2024. # 3 (177)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 3 (177), 584—595

UDK 638.1:070](477.8)”1923/1939″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.03.584


MOVNA Ulyana

  • Doctor of Sciences of History, Leading Researcher
  • of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy
  • of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • in the Department of Historical Ethnology,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: movlana@ukr.net

Abstract. This article is the third in the author’s cycle of publications devoted to various aspects of the life and creative path of the famous Ukrainian beekeeper, scientist and public figure My­khailo Borovsky (1891—1989).

It collected, systematized and researched his research on beekeeping content, which determine the strategy of the development of the industry and give practical recommendations for the rationalization and modernization of the traditional peasant beekeeping economy, scattered in the usual annual and economic calendars of Mukachevo, Uzhgorod and Lviv (1923—1939).

The beekeeping content of the pen M. Borovsky is subject to a detailed research analysis, included on the pages of the calendars «Gromada», «Prosvita», «Zolotyi Kolos», and above all the illustrated business calendar «Silskyi Gospodar» in the section «Beekeeping», for which M. Borovsky was a regular contributor — at that time, the referent of the Main Beekeeping Section of the regional economic society «Silskyi Gospodar» (reestablished in 1928), a member of the board of the beekeeping cooperative «Rij», editor of agricultural periodicals («Ukrainian Beekeeper», «Practical Gardening», illustrated economic calendar «Village Master» for 1933—1935, etc.).

There are practically no special studies of this side of the multifaceted creative activity of M. Borovsky in Ukraine, which determines the relevance of this investigation.

The object of the study is the actual figure of M. Borovsky, and the subject is his publications on the field of beekeeping in numerous calendars of Transcarpathia and Galicia.

 In terms of content, they were of a scientific and popular nature, and were aimed at the development of the author’s modern economic thought, the creation of modern beekeeping, the consolidation of the beekeeping community, and therefore, the intellectual and cultural independence of Ukrainians as an ethnic community in conditions of statelessness.

The article uses a historiographic research approach, a comparative method, a method of historical reconstruction.

Keywords: Mykhailo Borovsky, beekeeping, calendar, «Silskyi Gospodar» society, beehives, honey, Ukrainian.

Received 29.04.2024


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  • Borovsky, M. (1935). Beekeeper — peasants. Illustrated Household Calendar «Silskyі Gospodar»: сalendar of the Regional Household Society «Silskyі Gospodar» in Lviv for the leap year 1936 (Pp. 159—161) [in Ukrainian].
  • Borovsky, M. (1936). The biggest enemies of our bee. Illustrated Household Calendar «Silskyі Gospodar»: сalendar of the Regional Household Society «Silskyі Gospodar» in Lviv for the ordinary year 1937 (Pp. 176—178) [in Ukrainian].
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  • Borovsky, M. (1937). How to improve our bee. Illustrated Household Calendar «Silskyі Gospodar»: сalendar of the Regional Household Society «Silskyі Gospodar» in Lviv for the ordinary year 1938 (Pp. 175—177) [in Ukrainian].
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