The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 5 (179), 1085—1095
UDK 726.1.05(477)”19/20″
HNIDETS Rostyslav
- PhD, Associate professor of the Department
- of Architecture and Conservation,
- Lviv Polytechnic National University,
- 12, Bandery street, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine,
- e-mail:
To consideration the problems of forming the domical completion of the church buildings, theirs typological and spatial construction varieties that have an influence on the tectonics spatial features in Ukrainian temple buildings. Form, construction and space it’s so much the main means of forming each architectural building and specifically sacral, that is the church. To be since the domes make stand up the accomplished to the high-altitude development in Ukrainian church architecture, the builders of the temples of Ukrainian architectural modern style have made in reality the perfect examples of Ukrainian temple.
The purpose of this research is to identify the regularities of the formation of the bane endings of temple buildings, which have become an inherent feature of the architecture of the Ukrainian church, the formation of the stylistics of these achievements in the church buildings of the Ukrainian architectural modernism on the basis of the architectural and building tradition, and their manifestation in modern Ukrainian temples and temple construction in general.
We can observe that the church building of this period (end XIX c. — 20—30-th years XX c.) differ from the special harmony scale and proportional perfection to concerning of the nieghbouring building and locality. Then constructed in towns and small towns or villages, they were never the appearance of massive block, overloaded of dominants and accents, that we must observe for some contemporary temple buildings. Theirs builders-architects can be able to seek out the optimal to the harmony scale and proportional and perfect make use the place and landscape of the territory for building. Theirs domical completion of all temple buildings make up only to confirmation of their spatial and architectural decision. Also the contemporary forms of domical completion and the bring nearly to the traditional of their expression that as to modern features to forming domes in the structure of contemporary tendency towards the temple buildings.
The intelligence methodology is based on general scientific methodological principles and the main requirements for works of ethnological direction.
Keywords: forming regularity, dome, domical completion, architecture and constructive tradition, Ukrainian architecture modern style, transformation, identity, contemporary temple building.
Received 23.09.2024
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