« 2021. # 2 (157)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. # 2 (158), P. 374—388

УДК 378.4(477.83-25):39″1921-1939″(092)Фішер А.

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.02.374


  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7817-6730
  • Doctor of Science in the field of History,
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Ethnology,
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • 1, Universytetska Str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine
  • e-mail: roman.tarnavskyi@lnu.edu.ua


The article is devoted to the analysis of practical classes led by the famous Polish ethnologist Adam Fischer at Lviv University. They were one of the most important components of training ethnologists in Lviv in the interwar period.

In the educational process at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv (the official name of the University of Lviv in 1919—1939) there were several forms of practical training — exercises, proseminars and seminars, which could be divided into lower and higher, as well as workshops (laboratories) for sciences that needed more practical training.

The student’s affiliation to a particular specialty (field) was determined primarily by the seminar or workshop in which he worked (if the schedule allowed, it was possible to attend several of them). The specifics of the presentation of exercises, seminars, seminars and workshops (the last two, with few exceptions, were entitled only to professors) in the educational process of different fields depended on their characteristics and needs. This system of practical training did not change until the Soviet reorganization of the university in the fall of 1939.

The study of practical training of students of Lviv University, which has not yet found proper coverage in historiography, allows to highlight the peculiarities of the development of various educational areas in Lviv and the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by representatives of Lviv scientific schools.

This is clearly seen in the example of practical classes led by Adam Fischer. Comprehensive coverage of the problem became possible thanks to primary sources — official statistical and reference publications of Lviv University — «course programs» and «chronicles», materials by Adam Fischer from the Archives of the Polish Ethnological Society (Wroclaw), published works of the scientist. The author elaborated them using comparative-historical method, as well as methods of typological and hermetic analysis of historical sources.

As a result of the study, the author drew the following conclusions. The topics of practical classes (exercises and seminars) under the guidance of Adam Fischer make it possible to characterize his approaches to the training of a professional ethnologist. In particular, the professor considered it obligatory to instill in students the ability to apply the method of ethnographic mapping, and also guided them in the direction of cultural and historical development with the involvement of theoretical approaches to sociological and functional areas. This helped to focus on ethnology as a science that explores various aspects related to traditional culture (from the genesis of cultural phenomena to their role in society in modern times) and to the life of ethnic communities in general.

The topics of Adam Fischer’s ethnological seminar also show that the scientist revealed to students the main stages of the historical development of the methodology of ethnological science (from the XVIII century), provided the most relevant information about it at that time, but always focusing on geographical factors in people’s lives.

Keywords: Adam Fischer, Lviv University, practical classes, ethnological seminar, methodology of ethnological science, ethnographic mapping.


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