« 2021. # 2 (157)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. # 2 (158), P. 314—326

УДК 930.2:398.341-035.3(477.83+477.85/.87=161.2)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.02.314

Tetiana Hoshchitska

  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8596-8974
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences,
  • Doctor of Philosophy, researcher fellow of department
  • of Historical Ethnology of the Institute of Ethnology
  • The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • e-mail: hoshchitska.tetiana@gmail.com


Introduction: Due to the significant involvement of wooden objects, along with various alloforms of ritual wood as important attributes in the traditional ritual culture of mountaineers, the important symbolic meaning, which in the traditional consciousness acquired some interior items made of wood. In the proposed exploration, the author aims to highlight the various beliefs and ideas associated with the objects of its internal filling made of wood.

Accordingly, the object of research is a complex of traditional rituals of the Ukrainians of the Carpathians, and the subject — household items made of wood, which often acquire symbolic functions, a certain sacred meaning and act as its attribute.

The main methods used by the author are structural-functional and comparative, other methods of ethnological science are also involved.

Scientific novelty: For the first time, various beliefs and ideas related to household items made of wood were comprehensively analyzed, and the specifics of their existence in the traditional ritual culture of Ukrainian mountaineers were analyzed. The place of the objects of internal filling of the dwelling, which were made of wood, was occupied in the traditional consciousness of Ukrainian mountaineers.

Results. It was found that Ukrainian mountaineers were accompanied in their daily lives by many wooden objects, which, in addition to purely utilitarian functions, were used as attributes in rituals, while acquiring a certain sacred status.

Conclusion: The fact that a chest, a cradle, a beautiful bowl and a shovel (involved primarily in family rituals, less often in calendar ceremonies) were of substantial semantic significance, was substantiated. Thus, the cradle in the area of ​​the Ukrainian Carpathians, as everywhere in Slavonic, was symbolically perceived as the first human dwelling, and accordingly — carried an important semantic load. We see this in the example of many beliefs, even such rare ones as the idea of ​​the need to select a «good» tree for it, and the fact that it must be made by a «knowledgeable» person. The chest also played a role in the rituals, and the attributes of baking were a beautiful bowl and a night.

Keywords: traditional rituals, Ukrainian Carpathians, beliefs related to housing, wooden furniture, cradle.


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