« 2017. #5 (137)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 5 (137), 1190—1197

UDK 761/763+655.326.6].(477.83­25:4­191.2)‘‘197/199‘‘

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.05.1190


Trokhym Lidiia Yuriivna, postgraduate student

at the Lviv National Academy of Arts,

Kubiiovycha Str., 38, Lviv, 79011, Ukraine.

Contacts: Tel. (032) 2761482; e-mail: office@lnam.edu.ua

Abstract. Analytic processing of historical, political and social factors which caused a new manifestation of forms in graphic art is done in the work. Special attention is paid on the art stylistic peculiarities of artists who worked on the individual visualization of graphic artwork. Reminiscences of image­thematic in the Lviv easel graphics of the last third of XX century, in particular, the influence of Polish and Baltic environment on the traditional Ukrainian graphics and transformation of form­stylistic features in creativity of Polish and Baltic painters with the purpose of proving the possibility of art interpretation and self identification of Ukrainian graphics are investigated.

Keywords: graphic art, form­stylistic features, interpretation, self identification.

Received 20.07.2017


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