« 2018. #2 (140)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 2 (140), 416—420.

UDK 7.012.23

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.02.416

Received 22.02.2018


Makohin Anna, candidate of arts (Ph. D)

associate professor at the Department of Design and Theory,

SHEI «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University».

57 Taras Shevchenko str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine

Abstrakt. The presented research results are based on artistic expressiveness instrumentality analysis of the clothes created by Ukrainian designers. The cultural factors influencing on the design of a representative costume with elements of traditions are defined; the effects of costume functions on the methods and principles of stylization are analyzed. Actual methods of costume styling are analysed in the light of modern trends: the absence of commonly accepted uniform standards in clothes, the erasing of differences between clothes of different function, eclectic in the style of the XXI century costume.

Keywords: stylization, folk costume, cut, design, decoration, ornaments.


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