« 2018. #3 (141)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 3 (141), 726–730

UDK 739.2:745.55

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.03.726


Trykolenko Sofiia Tarasivna, Candidate of Arts, Senior Lecturer
of the Department of Fundamentals of Architecture and Design
of the National Aviation University.
Kosmonavta Komarova Street 1, 03058, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Contacts: baronessainred@gothic.com.ua.

Abstrakt. The article presents three fundamentally different author jewellery workshops, whose creativity is based on the use of new materials, techniques and unusual and non-standard combinations. The use of traditional materials and techniques for the creation of unique copyrights of the family workshop of «Yershov» has undergone a certain stylistic evolution, creating a unique tendency today to combine in a single product of minerals, metals and horns. Stylistics of the subculture of steampunk is discovered in the ornaments of Iren Fox, created from the details of clock mechanisms. Possibilities of acrylic glass are used by Katerina Titova, embodying in decorations fabulous images of animals, birds, and technical means. The article also reveals the peculiarities of the current opposition to the «author/mass», demonstrating the advantages of individual artistic decisions on mass production.

Keywords: jewellery, modern materials, the latest technology, metal, horn, mineral, acrylic, steampunk, art.

Received 15.01.2018


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Trykolenko, S. (2016). Poiednannia pryrodnykh materialiv u vyrobakh yuvelirnoi maisterni «Yershov». In Suchasni tekhnolohii ta osoblyvosti vydobutku, obrobky i vykorystannia pryrodnoho kaminnia. (pp. 43—45). Kyiv: DHTsU [in Ukrainian].
Trykolenko, S.T. (2017). Styl stimpank v oformlenni interieriv. In Problemy rozvytku miskoho seredovyshcha. (pp. 166—173). Kyiv: Komprynt [in Ukrainian].
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Retrieved from: http://er.nau.edu.ua:8080/handle/NAU/30862.


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