« 2019. #1 (145)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 1 (145), 214—220

UDK 7.091
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.01.214



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9651-5364

Associate Professor,

Doctor of Arts, Film Director

Institute of Cultural Heritage, ASM

Bd. Stefan cel Mare єi Sfоnt,1, MD-2001, Chisinau,

Republic of Moldova

Contacts: e-mail: oldumi60@gmail.com

Abstract. Thanks to performing techniques and technologies, today it has become the most complex and deepest way of expressing reality. Thus, the films dedicated to the folk art have the opportunity to capture the audiovisual complexity of this phenomenon, its dramaturgy, the unusual attitude of the protagonists (dancers, interpreters), the chromatic, the graphics and the cost of the clothing, the unrepeatable ornaments (in stone, wood, carpets) other aspects of our national identity, which only the film is able to fix in all their integrity, capitalizing on them and preserving their image for the future — an important fact today in the process of globalization.

The naivety, the spectacular, the exotic and the mystery of the folk art, as well as its messages full of meaning and wisdom, tempted the filmmakers of all times and all tastes. As an argument — the films devoted to the various genres of folk art, created by the filmmakers Emil Loteanu, Vlad Iovita, Anatol Codru, Vlad Druc, Ion Mija and others.

Keywords: film (documentary), moldаvian film industry, valorization of traditions, folk dance, folk art, ethnographic /choreographic phenomena, cultural heritage.

Received 2.01.2019


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