« 2020. № 2 (152)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 2 (152), 435—449

UDK 930.2:271.4-726.25(477.85-25)”18″І.Величко

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.02.435


Nesteruk Yuriy

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2043-0852

Doctor of Biology,

Contacts: e-mail: yuri.nesteruk@gmail.com

Nesteruk Nazariy

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5402-9058

4th year student, named after Ivan Franko

Lviv National University, Faculty of History

Universytets’ka str., 1

Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: nazariynesteruk@gmail.com

Abstract. For the first time in the historiography was analyzed the life, pastoral, public and teaching activities of the well-known and undeservedly forgotten figure of the Greek Catholic Church, the canonic Pr. Ivan (Johan) Velychko (1836—1889).

The subject of the study is the figure of Pr. Ivan Velychko, one of the most prominent figures of the Greek Catholic Church, a faithful supporter of the Ukrainian Church and the Ukrainian community of Lviv.

The purpose of the study is to show his life path, pastoral and social activities, publications of Pr. Ivan Velychko as a fighter for the self-affirmation of the Greek Catholic Church, various activities for serving the Church in the second half of the XIX cent., when Western Ukrainian lands were under Austrian domination, in the face of violent confrontation with other religious denominations in Galicia.

The relevance of the article lies in supplementation the history of the Greek Catholic Church and Galicia in the second half of the XIX cent.

The sources of this historical research were the collections of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, the collections of Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine and Scientific Libraries of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

If one traces the biography of Pr. Ivan Velychko from 1865 until his death in 1889, he is striking in his rapid career growth, which, however, has many obstacles, primarily due to his fundamentally pro-Ukrainian position and intransigence.

He was the preacher and the first preacher of the Lviv Archicathedral of St. Yuri, Assistant Counselor, Counselor and Referee of the Metropolitan Consistory, since 1879 — Canonic of the Greek Catholic Church. In 1886 Pr. Ivan Velychko was elevated to the rank of scholastic of the Metropolitan Kaputula in Lviv, and in 1888 — the Roman Pralat. In 1888, Ivan Velychko received from the Pope Leo XIII the cross «Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice» (for services to the Church and the Pope) and the title «Senator Romanus et Praelatus domesticus Suae Sanctitatis».

Fr. Ivan Velychko published two books of his sermons which he preached at St. George’s Archcathedral in Lviv.

Based on the analysis of his activities, the testimonies of his contemporaries, we can conclude that in the mid-second half of the XIX cent., when the Greek Catholic Church led a fierce ideological struggle with other Christian Churchs.

Keywords: Priest Ivan Velychko, schematismus, Greek Catholic Church, Lviv Archicathedral Church of St. Yuri.

Received 9.01.2020


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