
« 2020. № 2 (152)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 2 (152), 311—322

UDK 39:728-057.2](477)



FAYNYK Tetyana


Doctor of Sciences in History, Senior Researcher

in the Institute of Ethnology, Ethnology of Modernity Department:

National Academy of Sciences,

15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,

Contacts: e-mail:

Abstract. The task of the article is to reveal the spiritual aspect in a purely professional problem: the master is a dwelling place — the environment, because every stage of construction was accompanied by a large number of common actions, rituals, rituals, warnings and moral taboos, so special importance was given to the behavior and attitude of the master himself. For the first time the usual norms of the masters’ behavior, their understanding of nature, preparation for work, the spiritual world, place in society, relationships with the master-customer, rituals that accompanied the whole process of construction were established. The standards of value sides of work of construction masters are shown. There is a distinctive action with a cod («rolling pin»), which has a magical meaning and defines the relationship between the master — the master — the environment. The originality of the ceremonial action «Lord’s Farewell», built on the worship of the pure, unharmed, healthy hands of the master, which symbolize the future well-being of the residents of the house and demonstrate the high professionalism of the master, is revealed. Scientific and practical recommendations that follow from the content of the article: To offer further and deeper study of folk traditions, focusing on attentive attitude to the use of natural building resources, their harvesting, preservation, common ways of preserving wood and raising the level of building culture of the master and customer to contribute to the harmonization of relations of modern man with the environment, with nature, with space.

Keywords: people’s habitation, craftsman, environment, ritual, traditions, customs, construction.

Received 17.04.2020


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