« 2021. # 4 (160)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 4 (160), 792—799


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.04.792



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6744-6379
  • PhD in History, Associate Professor
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
  • The Chair of Modern and Contemporary
  • History of Foreign Countries,
  • 1, Universytetska str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: sir.ruslan@yahoo.com

Abstract. Introduction. In the conditions of statelessness, the tradition of annually celebrating the Independence Day and the Unification of Ukraine on January 22 has acquired special significance in the Ukrainian Diaspora overseas.

Problem Statement. Canadian Ukrainians sought to preserve the memory of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917—1921, in particular, the proclamation of the independence of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the unification of Ukrainians on both sides of the Dnipro in one state. This approach contradicted the official position of the Soviet Union, whose Embassy in Ottawa reacted hostilely to the January celebrations, which were authorized by the Canadian authorities.

Purpose. Analysis of the practice of celebrating the Day of Ukrainian Statehood and Unity, their conceptual content and the reaction of the Soviet to the desire of Canadian Ukrainians to preserve the memory of the past.

Methods. The study is based on the principles of historicism and multifactoriality and involves the use of methods of analysis, generalization, comparison.

Results. In consequence of celebration of the Day of Ukrainian Statehood and Unity, Canadian Ukrainians not only managed to preserve the historical memory of the events of the Ukrainian Revolution, but also to draw attention to the violation of the national rights of Ukrainians in the Soviet Union.

Conclusion. Thanks to the celebration of the Day of Ukrainian Statehood and Unity, Canadian society learned more and more about the existence of an independent Ukrainian People’s Republic and the circumstances of its liquidation as a result of the war with Bolshevik Russia. An integral part of the annual celebrations was the display of blue and yellow flags on the boards of Canadian cities, a significant part of the population of which were Ukrainian immigrants. The participation of Canadian politicians and statesmen in the celebrations not only gave them political weight, but also engaged Canadian politicians in current Ukrainian affairs. The Soviet reacted painfully to this by issuing notes of protest and accusing the Canadian authorities of supporting «Ukrainian nationalists». At the same time, the celebration of the Day of Ukrainian Statehood and Unity also to some extent consolidated the disparate circles of Canadian Ukrainians.

Keywords: independence, Canadian Ukrainians, Day of Ukrainian Statehood and Unity, national unity, the Embassy of the USSR in Canada.

Received 27.05.2021


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