« 2024. # 3 (177)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 3 (177), 596—604

UDK 94:[398.7:159.922/.923:159.963:159.953] 

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.03.596



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3999-9459
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
  • Associate Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian History
  • of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
  • 81, boulevard of Shevchenko, 18000, Сherkasy, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: temchen@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction. The article attempts to consider the modeling properties of dreams in the context of the myth as a system of mental stereotypes and mental attitudes.

The purpose of the publication is to identify specific features that allow one to consider dreams as an altered state of consciousness that not only reflects on external circumstances, but is capable of modeling its own cultural meanings.

The research methods are aimed at the analytical and synthetic understanding of the processes related to the myth and dream, which involves the involvement of the experience of other humanitarian fields, in particular, Philosophy, Psychology and Linguistics.

The obtained results. In contrast to the situation of «everyday life» in traditional culture, a dream can form the «agenda» of everyday activities, as it is able not only to «reboot» the operating system, which is used to process and adapt personal information, but in a certain way to «reprogram» its functionality.

As a result of this, new operational data are «loaded», other options are «configured», the system interface is updated, as a result of which constructive or destructive behavioral models can be built in the subconscious, which act automatically and are not controlled by consciousness. Most of all, this refers to archetypal dreams that create a corresponding emotional state, which is realized in spontaneous everyday actions. For example, a dream about unclean water is associated with illness, since dirt is a marker of infectious diseases. Physical impurity can be projected onto states associated with the expectation of troubles of a different nature.

The perception of a dream as a cause of everyday life is due to the specificity of human memory, which is able to record not only real but imaginary events. Memory capabilities allow one to arbitrarily «record» on the tape of the subconscious almost everything that falls into its field of vision — random sounds, fragments of reality, smells, touches, spontaneous emotions, as well as internal associations and suggestive impressions. As a result, a «personal» data bank of a specific person is formed, which is «used» by the subconscious to model endless modifications of dream plots and images. «Personal data» accumulated in this way can also be linked to a collective information base.

Keywords: binary opposition, dйjа vu, altered state of consciousness, myth, past, simulation, ritual, subconscious, memory, ritual, sacred, dream, time, time of creation.

Received 9.04.2024


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