« 2017. #4 (136)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 4 (136), 843–845

UDK 641.542.2­032.61(477). «19/20»

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.04.843


Shcherban Olena Vasylivna, Ph.D in History, senior lecturer

at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Bursatskyi uzviz, 4, Kharkiv, 61057, Ukraine,

Contacts: Tel (066) 1845061; e-mail: rector@ic.ac.kharkov.ua

 Abstract. The article is about ways of clay pots usage in the traditional food culture. It was found that the production and widely used were in peak history Ukrainian traditional pottery — it was the time of manufacturing and usage of a wide range of pottery products.

Keywords: pottery, traditional food culture, zolilnyk.

Received 15.06.2017


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