« 2019. № 5 (149)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 5 (149), 1239—1245

UDK 811.161.2’373.21

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.05.1239


MOSUR Oksana

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1912-3580

Assistant of the Department of Ukrainian Language,

Lviv Ivan Franko National University

1, Universytets’ka str., L’viv, 79000, Ukraine

e-mail: oksana_kunanets@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction: Historical microtoponymy is a valuable material of linguistic studies. Josyphinska (1785—1788) and Francyscanska (1819—1820) metrics are analyzed as a source of research of microtoponymy of Sambirskyycyrkul. Problem statement: The comprehensive analysis of peculiarities of Ukrainian historical microtoponymy is not elucidated enough in scientific works. The purpose of the article is to outline themeaning and features of the concept of «microtoponym». The main scientific methods in the article are descriptive one and text analysis. Results: The article outlines the meaning and peculiarities of the concept of «microtoponym», describes a number of factors that are decisive for the selection of the list of geographical objects, which names should be considered as microtoponyms. It is separated lingual and extra lingual features of microtoponymy. The first ones are: 1) close connection with appellatives — geographical names (nomenclature names) and toponyms; 2) dialectisms and foreign words as creative basis of onyms; 3) connection with anthroponyms; 4) a large number of names-landmarks; 5) variety of word-formation affixes; 6) using of toponymic metonymy and toponymic metaphor in microtoponymy; 7) using of names in microtoponomy in a figurative sense. Extra lingual peculiarities are: 1) limited circle of people and the territory where the proper name of geographical microobject is known; 2) relatively short lifetime of onym; 3) instability of the microtoponymic system, its variability, ability of replacement, updating and replenishment by new proper names which depend on socio-historical, cultural, physical-geographical changes; 4) dependence of the name on the features and characteristics of the object. Conclusion: Historical microtoponymy is an important layer of proper names. It combines lingual and extra lingual features, and depends on different factors of people life and society development.

Keywords: microtoponym, microtoponymy, Sambirskyycyrkul, Josyphinska (1785—1788) metric, Francyscanska (1819—1820) metric.

Received 24.09.2019


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