« 2017. #4 (136)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 4 (136), 835–842

UDK [394.3:398.33](477.54/.62+477.52).:130.2

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.04.835


Oliynyk Nataliagraduate student of department

of direction of the Kharkiv state academy of culture.

Lowering of bursa, 4, Kharkiv, 61057, Ukraine

Contacts: tel. (057) 731-13-85; E-mail: rector@ic.ac.kharkov.ua

Abstract. The group walk is considered to be an element of traditional ritualism. There are certain kinds of the walk such as in a straight line, in a circle and arbitrarily, and by a specific trajectory which are analyzed. During performing of any type of the walk the ritual action would gain sacral and magical meaning. For strengthening its effect declamation, singing, attributes (sacral; specially made for a holiday; certain objects or things which gained sacral meaning during a ritual) were used. Eventually, the group walk changed on a contrary to the traditional one and gained the new form and the new significance: an accurate breakdown into the columns and lines, and a ceremonial walk down the streets. In modern cultural practices the walk is also a part of common events but it lost its sacral and magical significance.

Keywords: group walk, calendar ritualism, sacral and magical actions, change, cultural practices.

Received 15.06.2017


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