« 2020. № 5 (155)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 5 (155), 1158—1168


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.05.1158



  • Postgraduate student
  • of the Lviv National Academy of Arts,
  • 38, Kubiiovycha Street, 79011, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Deputy Director of the College of Arts A. Erdeli
  • of the Transcarpathian Academy of Arts, Teacher,
  • Transcarpathian region,Ukraine
  • Contacts: e-mail: tetyana02@gmail.com

Abstract. The portrait work of the famous Ukrainian artist, representative of the Transcarpathian school of painting Andriі Kotska is considered in the article. It was found that the center of the ideological and thematic orientation of his works throughout his life was the image of a woman. The artist’s favorite characters are village girls, highlanders.

Artistic analysis of women’s portraits of Andrii Kotska is essential for determining the characteristic features of the artist’s manner and awareness of his place among the portraitists of that time — this determines the relevance of this article. The purpose of the study is the characteristics of woman’s portraits of A. Kotska, the interpretation of the female image and the use of means of expression, the evolution of the artist’s manner based on a formal analysis of works.

According to the studied typological properties of images of women, their conditional classification was carried out and 4 main groups were distinguished: the image of a woman-mother, the image of a woman-muse, a woman-worker and a woman-mermaid. The peculiarities of the color of women’s portraits, the nature of the tonal approach of the artist, his application of the contrast of warm and cold tones, different ways of depicting the faces, the interpretation of the image of the model are analyzed. The influence of the founder of the Transcarpathian school of painting Adalbert Erdeli on the formation of the creative personality of Andrii Kotska was revealed, which manifested itself in the decorative generalization and expression of portraits, as well as the differences in the individual vision of woman.

The object of research is the creative work in the genre of female portrait of A. Kotska during 1930—1980, and the subject — the artistic features of portraits, the interpretation of the image of woman.

On the basis of formal analysis and method of figurative  — stylistic comparison, the characteristic features, artistic techniques and means of expression used by the artist in his works, as well as a special attitude to color construction, a specific manner of presenting portrayed and changing the manner during different stages of his work. The first stage includes the period of 1930—1940, when the young artist worked as a teacher in the mountain villages of Transcarpathia. The next period was his studies at the Roman Academy of Fine Arts, where he studied the classical heritage of Italian masters. The influence of folk art and folklore is clearly traced, the artist formed an original type of ideal image of a Transcarpathian woman, using the successful findings of previous years. The third stage dates back to the 1970s and 1980s, when the artist continued to appeal to the folk art heritage of Transcarpathia, synthesizing it with the trends of contemporary European art  — Expressionism and Impressionism.

Keywords: A. Kotska’s creativity, female portrait, image of woman, color, ethnic type.

Received 6.10.2020


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