
« 2020. № 5 (155)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 5 (155), 1064—1070

UDK 036:908 (”18/19″



МОVNА Мarianna

  • Junior Researcher of the Vasyl Stefanyk
  • National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • in Department of Scientific Bibliography,
  • 2, Stefanyka str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail:

Abstract. The development of tourism in the second half of the XIX century in the Austro-Hungarian Empire accelerated the emergence of guides to attractive tourist areas, including the Carpathians. The intensification of tourism in the Eastern Carpathians is directly related to the construction of the railway, namely the railway line Stanislaviv — Voronenko in 1894. Since then, the valley of the Prut River, which originates from a spring on the slope of Hoverla and in the upper reaches has a mountainous character, began to apprear as an important tourist attraction, and areas located in the Prut Valley (Delyatyn, Dora, Yaremche, Mykulychyn, Tatariv, Vorokhta), appeared on the pages of tourist guides.

The article for the first time analyzes the factual content of tourist guides through the Prut Valley in the late XIX — early XX century. Their authors were well-known figures of the Polish tourist movement H. Hofbauer, M. Orlovych, as well as members of the Yaremche Club, whose names we have established (J. Skupnevych, A. Sonnenvend, H. Grader, V. Lutsky, B. Skshinsky, R. Steinhraber ets.). All the researched guides (both specially devoted to the Prut Valley and travel books in the Carpathians in general) filled a noticeable gap in the local tourist literature with local tourist information, and also greatly contributed to the intensification of the tourist movement.

The object of the research is the Prut Valley as a tourist region, and the subject — guides to this area. The research methodology is based on the application of the principles of scientificity, objectivity and historicism. In order to solve specific research problems, a comparative-chronological, discource-analysis, anthropological approach was used. The study of Prut Valley guides has never been the subject of special consideration.

Keywords: guidebook, history, tourist movement, Prut Valley, Carpathians, Yaremche, resort, the end of XIX — beg. of XX century.

Received 31.07.2020


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