« 2022. # 3 (165)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 3 (165), 549—561

UDK 7.046.3:27-312.8:069:7:(438.32)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.03.549


AVULA Anastasiia

Abstract. The Comprehensive researches of iconography of Jesus Christ is conducting in the Ukraine and at abroad. However, the crown of thorns did not receive due attention. The exhaustive analysis plot of Christ, crowned of thorns, had generated on Ukrainian lands in the eighteenth — twentieth centuries, is going now. Attention paid to: features of flowering the plot in Europe with beginning of Renaissance; creative work of Ukrainian icon painters, inspired by Western European influence; the origin of book printing in Ukraine and its effect on icon painting; parallelism of plots in church and secular art.

The motif, had inspired by Western European influence, rooted in iconographic diversity of this time and occupied an important place in interpretations of secular painting, underwent rethinking in the artistic and religious aspect and further became a source of inspiration for contemporary Ukrainian artists. For example, the artworks, from collection of Lviv Museum of the History of Religion, analyzed and paid special attention to specifics of image crown of thorns. It had a lot of varieties depicted plot, peculiarities of the artistic language and compositional techniques.

The aim of the article is to study the iconographic types, features of interpretations of plots, analysis of sources of origin and comparison with analogues, on the example of works of XVIII-XX centuries, depicting the crowned thorns of Jesus Christ, stored in the Lviv Museum of Religious History.

Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, methods of synthesis, generalization, comparative history and art analysis.

Research results. It is confirmed that this motif, inspired by Western European influence, is rooted in the iconographic diversity of the time and occupies an important place in the interpretation of secular painting, is rethought in the artistic and religious aspect and continues to be a source of inspiration for contemporary Ukrainian artists.

The scientific novelty lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of samples from the stock collection of the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion, which highlight the ways of Western European influence on the creative approaches of contemporary Ukrainian masters.

Practical significance. Research materials are useful in the process of studying the history of Ukrainian painting; analysis and synthesis of both individual iconographic types, with the participation of the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ, and the general picture of the artistic achievements of the XVIII—XX centuries; are necessary for the educational function and enrichment of creative approaches of modern Ukrainian artists and art critics.

Keywords: iconography, Christianity, instruments of passion, crown of thorns.

Received 4.05.2022


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