The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 2 (140), 353—362.

UDK  [746.4 + 391.4]:687.4(476.7-04 + 477.8-04)


 Received 11.01.2018



Vinnikova Marya, senior researcher,

at the State Scientific Institution

«The Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and

Literature Research of the NAS of Belarus»

1 Surganov str., bldg 2, Minsk, 220072, Belarus

Abstrakt. Four variants of female headdresses, which were usual in traditional costume on the territory of the Belarusian-Ukrainian borderland (Western Polissia) in the late XIX — middle XX century, are considered in the article. Artistic and plastic features are analyzed, scientific reconstructions of wearing modes, made by the author on the basis of the study of museum items, archival and field materials are gi­ven. Three of the presented reconstructions are published for the first time.

Keywords: female headdress, hairstyle, chipets, namitky, ornament, folk art of plastic design, reconstruction.


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