« 2018. #4 (142)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018,  № 4 (142), 949–954

UDK 75.047:7.071.1 (477.86) “19/20”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.04.949

Received 07.05.2018


Kashshai Olena Stepanivna – post-graduate student of the department of fine art of the Institute of arts,  Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,

18/2, str. Bul’varno-Kudrjavs’ka, Kyiv, 04053

Contacts: phone: 067–154–61–12; e–mail: elina–ka@ukr.net

Abstrakt. The article is devoted to the study of the socio–cultural context of the social life of Transcarpathia in the 1920th–1940th, the analysis of the system of art education and other factors that preceded the appearance and formation of Transcarpathian art school. The article presents historical, social, cultural aspects that influenced the development of the art education of the region; the artistic processes taking place in Uzhgorod are outlined, their importance in the cultural space of the region is revealed.

 Keywords: Transcarpathian art, The Art of Transcarpathia, Transcarpathian Art School, Transcarpathian painting, Anton Kashshai.


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