« 2018. #4 (142)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018,  № 4 (142), 854–865

UDK 398 47 (477.87)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.04.854

Received 11.03.2018


Kotsan Vasyl Vasyliovych – Ph.D. of historical sciences, director of the Zakarpattia Museum of Folk Architecture and Life,

associate professor of the Department of History of Ukraine «Uzhgorod National University».

street Kapitul’na, Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia area, 88000

Contacts: tel.: 03122 37392

Abstrakt. The article is dedicated to wedding customs and ceremonies, which were alive in villages valley river Uzh in the XIX – first half of the XX century. On the basis of field ethnographic materials and literature, stock collection of the Transcarpathian Museum of folk architecture and life are analyzed the main sta¬ges of traditional folk wedding the studied region. The author describes in details such pre–wedding rites as matchmaking end engagement. Sepa–rately, the cycle of ceremonies and customs typical of the wedding eve is considered. The article describes the main components of the traditional wedding dress, inclu¬ding women’s wedding hairstyles and hats.

Keywords: weddings, matchmaking, engagement, wedding dress, wreath.


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