« 2019. № 4 (148)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 4 (148), 898—905

УДК 398(477/82)”194/196″:393.15

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.04.898



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4415-002X

Candidate of philology sciences (= Ph.D. in philology),

Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Dement of Folkloristic,

15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: Е-mail: mdemedyuk@gmail.com

Abstract. Interethnic interactions are an integral part of a social system. The study of the nature of the contacts of the ruling ethnic group with national minorities in a mono-ethnic country is very relevant today. The goal of author is to clarify the specifics of interethnic interaction during the Second World War in pairs of Ukrainian-Poles, Ukrainian Jews, Ukrainian-Germans. The object of the research is the folklore narrative of the Volyn Polissya, and the subject is reflection in the texts the specifics of the contacts of Ukrainians with the adjacent ethnic groups in the conditions of wartime. The methodological basis of research is the principles of objectivity and historicism of folklore. To study interethnic interactions, the methodology of Ukrainian and foreign historians, ethno-sociologists and folk prose researchers (V. Sergiychuk, O. Bricyna and L. Mushketyk, etc.) was used. Folklore expeditions were conducted to form the source base, during which the material was recorded with the help of an oral questioning of respondents according to a pre-prepared questionnaire. The reproduction of ethnic conflicts and co-operation in the narratives of the Volyn Polissya is not sufficiently highlighted in the special research. This aspect is covered by the authors rather quickly, without proper analysis, so the basis of the work is the author’s field.

The article is devoted the problems of interaction of Ukrainians with representatives of other ethnic communities that lived compactly on the territory of Volyn Polissya during the Second World War. It turns out that changes are affecting Ukrainians with the Jewish population, ranging from passive observation and cohabitation to compassion and effort to help. The nature and causes of the Polish-Ukrainian confrontation in the Volyn Polissya, as documented in the folk stories of tragic events since the German occupation, are presented. Particular attention is drawn to the image in the narratives of the interaction of the local population of the province with the German soldiers of the regular army, which has mostly a positive connotation. The nature of the counteraction to the relationship with the German SS units, which were often confronted with inexperienced insurgents.

Keywords: ethnic intercourse, ethnic minorities, political situation, folklore narrative, oral historiographical evidences.

Received 13.06.2019


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