« 2019. № 4 (148)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 4 (148), 906—914

УДК 398.22:


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.04.906


LUNIO Eugene

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1543-7008

Candidate of Philology,

Institute of Ethnology

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Research Fellow, Department of Folklore,

Svobody ave., 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacrs: e-mail: lunyoe@gmail.com

Abstract. Formulation of the problem. One of the important contemporary problems of the state of Ukraine is the problem with the national identity of its citizens. The heroic folk-epic tradition has long been a powerful factor in the formation of the ethnic and national consciousness of the broad masses. It raises the question of disclosing the public role and historical significance of prominent individuals, including Roman Shukhevych, the UPA Chief Commander.

Research analysis. The writing and analysis of narrative folklore works about R. Shukhevych was previously only studied by G. Demyan. In his writings, he presents and analyzes a number of folk stories and retellings about the UPA Chief Commander. For science, they are interesting in that they submit R. Shukhevych in his relations with other prominent figures of the liberation struggle. The folk epic image of the general «Taras Chuprynka» in folk stories and retellings was also worked out by the author in several special publications. The object of the research of the submitted article is the original folk retelling of the motive: «Roman Shukhevich arrives in the forest to the rebels».

The purpose of the article. In the course of the analysis, we set the goal to highlight the subjective component — the author’s introduction of the fiction, as well as the objective component as a direct reflection of historical reality, to highlight their organic unity as an artistic phenomenon among themselves. Indicate the special ideological, political and aesthetic role of R. Shukhevych as a historical figure and as an artistic image in the formation of the Ukrainian mass consciousness. The methodological basis is a method of hermeneutics, which is defined as an art of understanding of textual discourse, and also defines as a commentary and interpretation of an artistic work by way of a rational-analytical and intuitive comprehension of its artistic meaning.

Keywords: heroic epic, folk story, folk retelling, national hero, R. Shukhevych, S. Bandera, OUN, UPA, Yavorivshchyna.

Received 14.06.2019


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