« 2021. # 6 (162)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 6 (162), 1385—1396

UDK 331.556-055.2(450.72=161.2)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.06.1385



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000000228879307
  • PhD in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Social Sciences,
  • University of Naples Federico II Vico Monte della Pietа, 1 80138 — Napoli, Italy,
  • Contacts: е-mail: tamara.mykhaylyak@unina.it

Abstract. The main issue of this article is immigration and integration processes. The research consists of two parts. The first part is an attempt to point out the main features of integration processes in the United States and Europe and moreover to draw attention to the way the term «integration» is used in academic and political areas. The aim of the second part is to focus on particular examples of adaptation to new living conditions by Ukrainian immigrants in Italy. In accordance with this, specialists have conducted a survey with 25 women working in Italian Campania region and made an attempt to analyze economic, social and cultural sides of the people’s life abroad. This researches are the relevance of this article.

The study highlighted many problems faced by immigrant female workers abroad, usually related to living conditions, leisure activities and moral stress as a consequence of social isolation, especially for women living at their employers’ places. The article is based on qualitative research method: a detailed questionnaire of 55 questions divided into 6 separate blocks has been written in order to prepare for in- depth interviews.

Keywords: integration, assimilation, Italy, Ukraine, Naples, female labor immigrants.

Received 22.09.2021


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