« 2021. # 3 (159)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 3 (159), 666—674

UDK [39:069:745/749.011.26](=161.2):930.2

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.03.666



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8292-202X
  • Candidate of History Arts (Ph. D),
  • Researcher at Folk Art Department
  • of Ethnology Institute of the NAS of Ukraine
  • 15, Svoboda ave., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Contacts: e-mail: oleh.bolyuk@gmail.com

Abstract. The urgency of the research topic is due to the lack of clear legal documents and guidelines of determination and pointing in relation to the account of traditional works of decorative and applied arts.

The purpose of the work is to propose a concept that indicates the specific place of monuments of decorative and applied arts in the system of cultural heritage. The object of research is the legal documents in Ukraine, which reflect the legal framework of cultural heritage. The subject of research is the terminological apparatus of cultural heritage. The methodological basis of the study is hermeneutics and analytical method, information, system and axiological approaches and terminological principle.

Cultural heritage is a permanent process, based on the tradition of creativity and ability to accumulate current trends of social development. Some sources of documentary documentation on heritage protection were studied. The definition of monuments of the Ukrainians’ traditional folk decorative and applied art indicates their place in the cultural heritage, which are not divided into «material» and «non-material».

The sources of the paper are legal documents which provide the terminological apparatus for determining heritage. Foreign publications have been analysed, and they support the view that the concept of cultural heritage cannot be divided according to their physical materiality. The definition of Ukrainian ethnic heritage, where the key place belongs to sights of arts and crafts, is offered.

Material artefacts in this creative domain are the least protected ones, so «black archaeology» and «black market» blossom.

The study of legal documents has been revealed various aspects of the inaccuracy of the definition of cultural heritage monuments.

The temporary signs of heritage as well as other characteristics are to be taken into account: material and spiritual values; ethnically-local, national, global belonging; the concept of number and degree of uniqueness; the possibility of mobility and the method of collection. These errors in the legal documents on cultural heritage will give grounds to improve laws concerning heritage protection.

The results promote the shaping of optimal strategy for the independent electronic «Register of Cultural Values of Ethnic Heritage of the Ukrainians».

In the future, the broad analysis of the state of maintening monuments is possible on the example of private collections. The manifesto is being prepared for the owners of the collections.

Keywords: heritage, ethnos, Ukrainians, collection, defi­nition.

Received  3.06.2021


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