« 2018. #2 (140)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 2 (140), 421—424.

UDK 745.52.011.2

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.02.421

Received 25.01.2018


Lukovska Olga, candidate of arts (Ph. D), docent

vice-head, Lviv`s Art Palace; associate professor

at the Department of Graphic Design and Art of the Book,

Ukrainian Printing Academy.

17 Copernicus str., LAP, Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

Abstrakt. The paper describes the correlation between folk traditions and modern trends in Ukrainian art textile at the turn of XX—XXI centuries. The characteristic features of creative practice are traced. The artistic peculiarities of art compositions created by professional artists are analyzed.

Keywords: weaving art, artist, tradition, interpretation.


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