« 2018. #4 (142)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018,  № 4 (142), 939–948

UDK 75.03+7.07–05(477.87) А. Кашшай

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.04.939

Received 07.07.2018


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7411-0574

Matveeva Julia Genadiivna, a candidate of study of art,

associate professor

of department, is a design and fine art

The Kharkiv national university of municipal economy

of the name of О.M. Beketova

61002, Kharkiv, Kulykivs’kyi lowering, 12, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: matveyevoy@gmail.com

 Abstrakt. The aim of work is to understand iconographic, historical and cultural principles according to which a fabric, called in icono¬graphy «velum», began to play a significant role in the church art of the Byzantine tradition. Its origin is de–rived from real fabrics used in the Mediterranean culture. They include curtains on a ciborium, curtains on the door of a church and curtains on its columns, which originally appeared in iconography as real objects. Gradually the cultural role of curtains decreased but they remained in iconography as symbols. Since the connection with the real objects had already been lost, the images of these fabrics began to acquire fantastic exaggerated forms, but the principles of their symbolic use in iconography remained. Symbolism of the veils is associated with their primary use – separation of a sacred space, a transition from one space to another one, a combination of two symbolically different zones of an icon.

 Keywords: icon, velum, curtain, fabric, ciborium.


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