« 2020. № 3 (153)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 3 (153), 695—713

UDK 94:061.22 ПРОСВІТА”1868/1870″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.03.695


PASHUK Volodymyr

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3536-1848

Candidate of Historical Sciences,

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ukrainian Studies

named after I. Krypjakevych NASU of Ukraine,

4, Kozelnitskaya Street, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,

Contacts: e-mail: volparo@gmail.com

Abstract. The research is aimed at a comprehensive study of the «Prosvita» Society activities initiation since this topic, despite its importance, did not find adequate coverage in scientific publications which determines its topicality. The purpose is a thorough and comprehensive disclosure of the process of beginning of a newly formed public organization. The tasks involve clarification and analysis of activity types, development of organizational forms, occurrence of difficulties and results. The subject of the study is the action (mainly of the first Board), aimed at establishing the activity of the newly established institution, which functioned from December 1868 to May 1870, which determines the chronological framework of the work. The object is the Galician public movement, focused on the emergence and expansion of the activities of the «Prosvita» Society. Methods used for the study are followed: problem-chronological method, description, complex-structural analysis and synthesis.

On the basis of archival materials the actions of the first Board of the «Prosvita» Society were traced. First of all, there were analyzed the conceptual decisions of the Lead concerning the definition of measures that should have helped to start the activity. These included a well-intentioned effort to focus on building a strong organization that could be achieved by attracting as many Enlightenment members from different parts of Ukraine as possible. The spelling issue was resolved by a differentiated principle according to which, despite the declarative commitment to phonetics, the works for people were planned (at least at first) to be published in familiar to the Galician etymology and scientific explorations in phonetics, and to issue an explanation to the public about the need for a new educational organization, its intentions and its call for the people to support the new institution. Separately are outlined the activities of the Lead, aimed at upholding the position of the «Prosvita» Society independence, which was prompted by the proposal of the Polish Krakow organization to join efforts. Actions for writing and publicizing the report to the public are described in detail, which have defined the format of preparation for printing of the «Prosvita» editions in the future which included the creation or ordering texts, submitting them to the Lead for evaluation, editing, amendments and only after — the decision to see the world.The issue of textbooks for secondary schools was characterized by the struggle for a gymnasium with the Ukrainian language of study. For the approval of this status there were needed textbooks provided by the «Prosvita» Society. The activity of the Lead is aimed at the development of the organizational structure of the Society — adoption of a new Charter, preparation of a " certificate of membership"  membership~ID, obtaining a subvention from the Galician regional Sejm, establishing relations with Slavic organizations and measures for the preparation of the first General Meeting of the Society.

Keywords: «Prosvita» Society, beginning of practice, first «guidance», Slavic enlightenment organisations.

Received 30.03.2020


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